Application Instructions
Application Instructions
Step 1: Review the specific research projects described on the MHIRT website and identify no more than two (2) projects (“placements”) to which you would like to apply.
Step 2: Fill out the 2-page Application Cover Page completely, typing in all answers. You will find the Cover Page at the end of this document. Save the Cover Page as a separate file in DOC, RTF, or PDF format with the title “YourName_App” (e.g. JaneDoe_App).
Step 3: Prepare your application documents—including your Statement of Purpose, Resume, Transcript, Financial Aid Statement and Rural Designation Report. The Financial Aid Statement and Rural Designation Report are optional for some applicants.
Statement of Purpose (1 page, single-spaced, 10-point font, 1-inch margins)
The Statement of Purpose is your chance to tell us why you want to be a part of the Global Health Disparities Research Fellowship program. Please address the following questions:
1. Why do you want to participate in this program? How does it fit into your specific career goals and plans? How will it benefit your professional development?
2. Why do you feel particularly suited or qualified to pursue this program of study?
3. Describe a specific example of a project or activity that demonstrates a) your initiative and ability to act independently, b) your ability to organize and manage complex logistics and c) your ability to manage time effectively.
4. Describe your interest in working in the research group(s) you’re applying for.
5. How will you apply your international summer research experience to your academic life upon returning home? What are some areas of academic improvement you hope to gain from the fellowship?
Save your file in DOC or PDF format with the file name ” YourName_State” (ex: JaneDoe_State)
Resume (2 page limit)
Save your file in DOC or PDF format with the file name “YourName_Resume”
(ex: JaneDoe_Resume)
Log onto Bearfacts and retrieve your unofficial transcript by clicking “Academic Record” and then “All Grades.” Be sure to select the button that displays the student name on the transcript page. Save the file as PDF or HTML, and title it “YourName_Trans” (ex: JaneDoe_Trans).
Transfer students should submit a transfer transcript, and 1st year graduate students should submit an unofficial transcript from their undergraduate institution(s).
Financial Aid Information
If your eligibility criteria are based on financial need, write a brief statement of financial need on the space provided for this on the Cover Page. You may also submit your most recent Bearfacts Financial Statement, saved as a PDF or HTML file. Please title it “YourName_Finaid” (ex: JaneDoe_Finaid)
Step 4: Request Letter(s) of Recommendation
The Recommendation Form is included at the end of the package. No more than two (2) recommendations may be submitted on your behalf. To begin, fill in the top portion of the form with your name and your recommender’s information. Save the form as a separate DOC file and title it “YourName_RecName” (ex: JaneDoe_JoeSmith). Email the file to your recommender to complete. Note that your application will not be evaluated unless this form is received by October 30, 2016. Recommendation forms must be emailed directly to by the recommender. We will not accept recommendations from third parties.
Who to ask: You should request a letter from someone who can address your academic talent, intellectual curiosity and research ability (if appropriate). The letter should also address your maturity level, independence or initiative and organizational and communication skills. The best letters come from people who know you well and can be specific in describing your talents. Some suggested recommenders, in order of preference, are: a professor in whose lab you have worked; a professor for whom you have GSI’ed; a professor for a class in which you excelled; a GSI for a class in which you excelled; an academic advisor; an employer; a personal contact. (Note: If you are a graduate student, recommendations will ideally come from your faculty thesis advisor.) Although you may submit up to two recommendations, you should only submit a second letter if it is strong, as a mediocre recommendation will count against you.
How to ask: It is important to give your recommender plenty of time to complete your recommendation (3 – 4 weeks if possible). When you approach your letter writer, you should provide them with a packet of material so that he/she can write an informed recommendation for you. Along with the form, you might consider including your transcript, resume, statement of purpose (if available), and a description of the Fellowship program (or link to the MHIRT website).
Step 5: Submit your application materials to the email address below:
Upload the following files as attachments in your email:
- Application Cover Page
- Statement of Purpose
- Resume
- Transcript
- Recommendation Form
- Rural Background Designation Report (only if this is your eligibility criterion)
- Financial Aid Information (only if this is your eligibility criterion)