Current Funding Opportunities

by / Monday, 16 March 2020 / Published in COVID_19

Government fundings, alongside philanthropic and private sector support is critical to support researchers’ efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic. An analysis made by Devex between Jan. 1 and April 5 shows that 569 initiatives worth $10.9 trillion were already initiated. To help researchers identify COVID-19 funding opportunities, we have created and maintained a list of COVID-19 fundings opportunities for researchers in nonprofit and for-profit institutions.

We will regularly post the latest opportunities in the table below.

In addition, UC Berkeley has created a list with new COVID-19 funding opportunities relevant to UC Berkeley researchers, released by federal and state funding agencies, foundations, nonprofits and industry partners.

You can also find a call to action in response to COVID-19 published by the Council on Foundations and a pop-up webpage published by Candid. The webpage will be updated automatically as data and news are added to the organization’s database.

If you have additional funding opportunities to add to this list, please reach out to Isabelle Charles at
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