CEND faculty and symposium speaker collaborate to treat river blindness
Great new work from CEND faculty Dan Fletcher and 2019 CEND symposium speaker Thomas Nutman together with collaborators in Cameroon providing evidence-based strategies to treat river blindness, a parasitic worm infection. You can read the abstract on their work here.
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MHIRT Nicaragua – project posting UPDATE
For all students interested in the MHIRT project in Nicaragua, the project posting has been changed and updated to meet the most recent research needs of the site. Please read the new description here and update your applications accordingly.
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MHIRT 2020 Applications Now Open!
The Minority Health/Global Health Disparities Research Fellowship at UC Berkeley funds international summer research experiences for qualified Berkeley students. The program provides training in infectious disease research, with a focus on diseases that disproportionately affect people in developing countries. The Global Health Disparities fellowship is funded through the Minority Health & Health Disparities International Research Training
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CEND fellow and collaborators featured on Gates website
CEND Fellow Cara Brook and collaborators from the Pasteur Institut Madagascar and Princeton University are featured on the Gates Foundation Website for their Gates Grand Challenges project on metagenomics and the etiology of zoonotic disease. Read more about their project here.
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JIM ALLISON: BREAKTHROUGH opening in SF & Berkeley
Every few years a film comes out that is more than a film and that deserves our utmost attention. JIM ALLISON: BREAKTHROUGH is such a film, and it opens in SF & Berkeley on 10/4 at the Landmark Clay Theatre and Shattuck Cinemas in Berkeley, and will begin screening on November 15th until November 29th
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CEND and IVRI Congratulate faculty David Raulet and Aduro Biotech Collaborators for landmark Nature Paper
Faculty David Raulet and Aduro Biotech Collaborators published their research, SLC19A1 transports immunoreactive cyclic dinucleotides, in Nature on September 11, 2019. This research has landmark implications for immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer, host responsiveness to CDN-producing pathogenic microorganisms, and possibly for some inflammatory diseases. To read the paper entirely, you can go here.
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MHIRT fellow featured in Marin Independent Journal
Sevil Chelebieva, MHIRT fellow from the 2019 cohort, was featured in the Marin Independent Journal on September 9th, featuring her work done with mentor and professor Dr. Roland Cooper. Chelebieva, a student from Dominican University who was picked from a pool of highly competitive applicants to participate in CEND’s MHIRT program, spent the summer in

Mesothelioma cancer and the role of immunotherapy in finding a cure (a CEND-associated Immunotherapeutics and Vaccine Research Initiative (IVRI) partnership with Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance)
CEND-associated Immunotherapeutics and Vaccine Research Initiative (IVRI) is happy to collaborate with Colin Ruggiero of Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, to bring more attention and hope to mesothelioma cancer. September 26 is Mesothelioma Awareness Day, designed to raise awareness of this rare cancer, research advancements, and the dangers of asbestos. According to the American Cancer Society, over 1.7
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Alliance for Global Health and Science 2019 Summer Institute
About the Alliance Summer Institutes: Through our annual summer institutes at Makerere University, we have trained over 200 undergraduate and graduate students from the College of Health Sciences since our first institute in 2016. Student participants consistently provide positive feedback of their experience with the institute, and the impact goes beyond just words – we
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2019 – 2020 CEND Fellowships Announced!
Congratulations to our 2019-2020 CEND Fellows! Education is a core element of CEND’s programming. Fellowships provided through CEND support several levels of trainees, including undergraduates, masters or doctoral degree candidates, and postdoctoral fellows, in their pursuit of research related to emerging and neglected infectious diseases. Our CEND fellowships are the Irving H. Wiesenfeld, Kathleen L.
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