BayViro Symposium
The Bay Area Symposium on Viruses, which was scheduled to take place June 5th, has been cancelled due to the public health threat of the covid-19 pandemic. Please sign up for our listserv to stay up-to-date with information on the next symposium.
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News & Events
Upcoming Events VIRTUAL Coronavirus Diagnostic Hackathon – March 25th and 26th Many events in the Bay Area have been cancelled due to the current threat of the covid-19 pandemic. If you have an event you would like to advertise, please reach out to Isabelle Charles at
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These facilities available to researchers in the Bay Area. Many are open to outside users on a recharge basis. Facility Institution Application Link Macro Lab UC Berkeley Cloning Lentiviral RNAi Core UCSF Silencing Systems for research The High-Throughput Screening Facility UC Berkeley siRNA Screening Biosafety Level 3 Facility UC Berkeley BSL3
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This page is currently being revamped. We will update it soon with new information about funding opportunities. Please reach out to Isabelle Charles at if you have any opportunities you would like to share.
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The SF Bay Area provides access to a broad array of shared facilities, incubator space, translation opportunities, and specialized training. This web portal provides static listings of resources in the bay area, including lab protocols, software packages, and other tools provided by the community.For a digest of new and transient funding opportunities, jobs, and other
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Featured Projects
Projects coming soon! If you have a project you would like to feature, please reach out to Isabelle Charles at
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Questions Who is included in the Bay Area Viruses Network? How can I join the network? Who runs the network? How was the Bay Area Virus Network established? Who is included in the Bay Area Viruses Network? The web platform features profiles of more than 40 research labs and programs located in the San
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About the Network
The Bay Area Virus Network represents a constellation of scientists, engineers, and clinician researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area who are working to understand, prevent, and control human and animal viral infections. It is a platform for connecting investigators at universities, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, and research institutes throughout the region. The SF Bay
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Laboratory Guidance
These are excerpts from a larger interim document provided by the World Health Organization, and should be used for informational/educational purposes only. FOR FULL GUIDANCE ON HOW TO COLLECT, SHIP, AND TEST 2019-nCoV PLEASE REFER TO THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT: WHO Guidance on Laboratory Testing for 2019-nCoV in suspected human cases As information about the etiology, clinical manifestations
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