What to Expect Abroad

Each student will be matched with a host country mentor, and also to a student in the host country lab (who will serve as a peer mentor). Where possible, two undergraduate students, or a graduate and undergraduate student, will be sent together to each host site.

MH/GH program participants will come to the host institution prepared to share their understanding of health disparities in the US, from a personal and an academic perspective. Also, each trainee will prepare a workshop or presentation for the host laboratory, describing research techniques or projects in the laboratory of the US mentor. This may range from an in-depth lecture on health infrastructure in the US, to specific training in a novel laboratory technique.

Trainees will be expected to venture outside of the lab, into the ?real-world? to directly witness the realities of health and health care in their host countries. At the end of the international research experience, trainees will present a summary of their research findings to colleagues and collaborators at the host institution.

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