CEND Initiatives

BayViro Network

The Bay Area Virus Network ( represents a constellation of scientists, engineers, and clinician researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area who are working to understand, prevent, and control human and animal viral infections. It is a platform for connecting investigators at universities, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, and research institutes throughout the region. was launched in 2012 by CEND at UC Berkeley, and CEND continues to serve as an administrative home for the network.

Global Health Diagnostics (GHDx) Initiative

The Global Health Diagnostics Initiative (GHDx) at UC Berkeley addresses the need for appropriate, low-cost diagnostic technologies to improve health in low- and middle-income countries. The group is a subgroup within the broader student Point-of-Care Diagnostics interest group and receives funding from the UC Berkeley Institute for International Studies (IIS).

Global Infectious Disease (GID) Training Program
The Global Infectious Disease (GID) training program seeks to to establish a sustainable research and training infrastructure at Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeswara (JSSU) University in Mysore, India dedicated to the study of the interaction of infectious diseases with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD), including two tracks in field epidemiology of ID interaction with NCD and molecular epidemiology of ID in people who develop NCD.
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