Celine Perier, PhD

Extramural Funding and Communication | Grant Writer | PREP Program Manager


Celine Perier joined CEND in fall 2019 as a grant writer. Celine trained as a Neuroscientist and obtained her PhD in the laboratory of Pr. Etienne Hirsch at the University of Paris VI (Paris, France). She joined the group of Pr. Serge Przedborski at Columbia University (New York, USA) as a post-doctoral researcher and then joined the group of Dr. Miquel Vila in Barcelona (Spain). During her 10 years in New York and Barcelona, she studied the role of mitochondria in Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis with a particular focus on the molecular mechanisms of neuronal dysfunction/death in neurodegenerative disorders in order to try to find a cure for this group of disabling, currently incurable diseases. She is passionate about science communication and believe that scientific storytelling is a crucial element for the advancement of science. Outside of work, Celine enjoys playing tennis, playing music, traveling and hanging out with friends and family.

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