January 12, 2018: CEND’s 10th Annual Symposium– “Confronting Persistent Epidemics”

by / Friday, 17 November 2017 / Published in events

CEND’s 10th Annual Symposium will be held on January 12, 2018 from 9:00AM-5:30PM in 245 Li Ka Shing Center. This year’s symposium is ”Confronting Persistent Epidemics.”

Emerging and neglected diseases are a group of debilitating and often deadly infections. As a group, these diseases are poorly understood and generally lack effective tools for prevention, control, and treatment. CEND Annual Symposium aims to strengthen connections between San Francisco Bay Area scientists working on infectious diseases of global health importance and the broader global health research, product development, and advocacy communities. The symposium features a dynamic list of invited speakers from around the world, including scientists from developing countries. Each year the event attracts over 400 registrants. Participants include academic researchers from UC Berkeley, UCSF, Stanford, UC Davis as well as representatives from local biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies and global health nonprofits.

The Symposium’s agenda is as follows:

08:00 AM Registration Check-In

09:00 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks

09:10 AM Stacey Schultz-Cherry | St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

09:40 AM Andrew Mehle | University of Wisconsin- Madison

10:10 AM Jonathan Yewdell | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

10:40 AM Q&A

10:55 AM Alfred Andama | Makerere University

11:20 AM Introduction to Tech Show

11:30 AM ——–Lunch + Tech Show and Tell——–

01:00 PM Barbara Valent | Kansas State University

01:30 PM Nick Talbot | University of Exeter

02:00 PM Sophien Kamoun | The Sainsbury Laboratory

02:30 PM Q&A

02:45 PM Eric Easom | AN2 Therapeutics

03:20 PM ——–Coffee Break——–

03:40 PM Thierry Diagana | Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

04:15 PM Kimberley Seed | University of California, Berkeley

04:45 PM Andy Camilli | Tufts University

05:20 PM Q&A

05:30 PM Reception & Poster Session


You can register and learn more here.

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