Jan 8, 2016: Global Development Fellowships

by / Wednesday, 09 December 2015 / Published in fellowship opportunities

The U.S. Global Development Lab of USAID has partnered with UC Berkeley to create the Global Development Fellows Program, supporting cutting edge solutions to address pressing sustainable development challenges in countries where USAID operates. This exciting program is managed by the Berkeley Master of Development Practice. Applications are open to all UC Berkeley graduate students. 10 additional GDF fellowships are available and a new round of GDF applications is now open.

Interested applicants should follow the instructions here Applications must be received by midnight Friday, January 8th.

GDF Fellowships of $7,500 cover travel, living expenses and other costs associated with USAID’s Research and Innovation Fellowship opportunities.  Fellowship Opportunities can be found at:  Students must first receive an invitation from an RI Fellowship host before applying.

U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required for USAID-funded fellowships, but thanks to funding from private sources some fellowship will be available to non-US citizens — especially those interested in food and agriculture.

More info is available on the GDF website: 

or via email:

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